Lovely little shy girl who will take time to get to know you. Loves walks and good with people that she knows. Will happily spend all day sitting in the sun. D.O.B May 2020 Not tried with other breeds.
Lovely little shy girl who will take time to get to know you. Loves walks and good with people that she knows. Will happily spend all day sitting in the sun. D.O.B May 2020 Not tried with other breeds.
Really happy, tail wagging little girl. Loves human company and short walks. Will happily spend all day pottering around the garden. D.O.B March 2021 No issues with our other dogs at home.
Clare and Tryp are litter brother and sister, born in 2019. They grew up together on the farm and have spent the last three years together in the kennel. They are both extremely loving and enjoy cuddles. They are calm, rarely bark (unless it’s dinner time) and are not fazed by loud noises (we live […]